…The result of this is a distraught vision of a destructured nature, an artefact formed with multiple shreds, that Arman would have designate as « archaeology of the future ». A puzzle for future generations, for the day nature will have disappeared.
These white lines on black reveals the raw beauty of 3D.
This series follows “Fiction 1” a work inspired by the events that took place in Japan, March 2011. We are in this series after the tsunami.
The aim of the Artefact series is to highlight those ‘material accidents’ in 3D computer graphics, and by doing so, to showcase the way in which the artist takes a ‘trial and error’ approach.
A dogma of constraints, in a purified freedom, in order to broaden the emotional scope of the viewer.
In this series I use a face reduction algorithm. A percentage defines the strength of reduction. 0 %, no reduction. 100 %, total reduction. Each stage is created mathematically.