Ghost City (Trailer) 2016
a video installation by Hugo Arcier
with an original music by Bernard Szajner

Still frames

Photo in situ during “Fantômes numériques” exhibition

Photos in situ during the Beirut Biennale for the image.

“La zone grise (voix de fantôme numérique)”


Draws on De rerum natura of Lucrece, the installation Ghost City is built around a reinterpretation of the set of the famous game GTA V.
The spectator is plunged into an environment without any population that disappears as we move closer. It is a meditative and captivating experience. The focus is put on architectural and graphic elements.
This virtual universe solicits both the present (the experience of the artwork) and the memory.

The disappearance, before our eyes, of this virtual universe feeds the terror that one day all our digital life – ephemeral cloud -.


104 (France), 2019-2020
Pavillon Blanc (France), 2019
Ars Electronica Festival, 2017
Le suaire de Turing (Chamarande), 2017
Beirut Biennale for the image, 2016
Fantômes numériques, 2016

They talks about it:
Creative Applications
Kill screen
Gamescenes (Art in the age of videogames)

Art, Video, 2016